2023: The Year of Widespread Facial Recognition Adoption

Earlier this month, Delta Airlines announced Delta Sync, an industry-leading initiative to create unparalleled customer experiences. A cornerstone of this program is the deployment of facial recognition technology (FRT) to replace a boarding pass. Just as how Apple and Samsung Wallets spearheaded the adoption of on-device credentials in 2012, Delta’s recent announcement kick-starts the FRT

10 Reasons to Switch to Frictionless Access Control [Infographic]

There’s a lot of discussion in the security industry about touchless access control. This is hardly surprising in the wake of Covid-19, when every surface that an employee comes in contact with could be a wellspring for germs and disease. In fact, just last month, Oosto sponsored a research study with Bio-Lab Ltd., which highlighted

Infographic: 11 Best Practices to Ensure Ethical Facial Recognition

Facial recognition has certainly captured today’s headlines, raising important questions about its accuracy and use. These concerns have even led to blanket bans on use of the technology in several U.S. and European cities without regard to the purpose or the benefits of specific applications. There is a clear need for steps to build public

Debunking Popular Myths about Facial Recognition in Retail

Introduction In our previous blog post, we made the case that employing a facial recognition system in your store is an effective way to combat rising retail crime without compromising the shopping experience. Unfortunately, the public’s perception of facial recognition–largely driven by the media–has prevented the broad adoption of this technology. It’s also important to

Mucho Gusto, Oosto!

Today, AnyVision is renaming itself to Oosto. Let’s start by discussing what this name change is not about. We did not get sold or acquired. We did not change markets. We are not running away from the facial recognition space. What this name change is about is bringing our brand in line with our expanded

Mythbusting Facial Recognition: Separating Fact From Fiction

Although facial recognition is commonly in the news—and often not in a good way—a recent poll by Pew Research concluded that nearly 75% of all Americans have heard little to nothing at all about the technology. This lack of clarity around what facial recognition’s capabilities truly are—as well as the near-constant highlighting of facial recognition’s

How to Practically Prepare for New York’s New Biometric Privacy Law

facial recognition technology on woman talking on the phone

The information provided on this blog post does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this blog post are for general informational purposes only.  Information on this blog post may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. Perhaps, you’ve heard about the new

Oosto Delivers on Promise of Cloud Security and Safety with Oosto Protect
Oosto Delivers on Promise of Cloud Security and Safety with Oosto Protect