Combatting the Growing Number of Security Threats Facing Casinos [Infographic]

Casinos have long been tempting targets for thieves, scammers and money launderers. The popularity of casinos has only grown over time. Previously, hardly a few people gambled, but now, almost everybody is keen on gambling. These days, casinos are more accessible to people, and they have more ways to place wagers. Be it roulette, lotto,

7 Challenges Casinos Need To Overcome To Stay Ahead Of The Game

Managing a casino is not easy. Operators are tasked with monitoring and ensuring thousands of patrons are following industry-specific rules and regulations as they move about an expansive space. An error in oversight can cost the casino thousands, and providing world-class customer service is essential in such a competitive industry. A casino needs to properly

Mythbusting Facial Recognition: Separating Fact From Fiction

Although facial recognition is commonly in the news—and often not in a good way—a recent poll by Pew Research concluded that nearly 75% of all Americans have heard little to nothing at all about the technology. This lack of clarity around what facial recognition’s capabilities truly are—as well as the near-constant highlighting of facial recognition’s

Oosto Delivers on Promise of Cloud Security and Safety with Oosto Protect
Oosto Delivers on Promise of Cloud Security and Safety with Oosto Protect